Natural Factors / Berberine

Medicinal Ingredients

Each capsule contains:  
Berberine (hydrochloride)  
(Berberis vulgaris) (root) 500 mg

Non-Medicinal Ingredients

Vegetarian capsule (carbohydrate gum [cellulose], purified water), microcrystalline cellulose, vegetable grade magnesium stearate (lubricant), silica, stearic acid.

Suggested Use

Berberine is a naturally occurring plant alkaloid found in various plants, including barberry, goldenseal, and Oregon grape. Many herbalists credit this unique alkaloid for the beneficial effects of many traditional tonics made from these plants. Berberine plays a role in blood sugar (glucose) metabolism, and helps support healthy blood sugar balance. Berberine also helps maintain healthy blood lipid levels and cardiovascular health.

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Natural Factors / Berberine


WellBetX Berberine contains a natural compound extracted from barberry roots. The unique way in which berberine acts on the body makes it a useful natural option for supporting blood sugar balance. Modern evidence shows berberine plays a role in blood sugar metabolism, and supports cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy blood lipid levels.


يحتوي WellBetX Berberine على مركب طبيعي مستخرج من جذور البرباريس. الطريقة الفريدة التي يعمل بها البربرين على الجسم تجعله خيارًا طبيعيًا مفيدًا لدعم توازن السكر في الدم. تشير الأدلة الحديثة إلى أن البربرين يلعب دورًا في استقلاب السكر في الدم ، ويدعم صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية من خلال الحفاظ على مستويات الدهون في الدم.

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